Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good morning fellow bloggers and happy tax day if you are in the United States.

I had to post this from OM. I wanted to shout from the housetops that its ok to just be you. If you have a quirk or character defect or flaw that is the way God made you. Embrace all the parts of you that you cannot change and pray and discipline yourself to change the things that you can change.

I will embrace my emotions and sensitivity. It makes me a beautiful creature who is able to flexibly and aptly relate to all types of people and love greatly. That is a special gift and is an asset, not a weakness.
I reinvent myself today because I refuse to live by another man or woman's opinion of me. If it is not the way I chose to view myself or more importantly the way God sees me it matters not what others say or do.
At the end of the day as long as I am pleasing to God and to myself and have walked in His will  in the end I will be saved. I hope and pray this reading will inspire and keep you when things don't seem to go your way.


April 17, 2012

Turn It Around
Laboring under a Label
Many of us find ourselves laboring under a label that has a negative connotation, but this can be reversed.

We live in a culture that uses labels as a means of understanding the world and the people living in it. As a result, many of us find ourselves laboring under a label that has a negative connotation. Unless we can find a way to see the good in such a label, we may feel burdened by an idea of ourselves that is not accurate. It is important to remember that almost nothing in this world is all good or all bad, and most everything is a complex mixture of gifts and challenges. In addition, different cultures revere certain qualities over others, but this does not mean that these qualities are inherently good or bad. For example, a culture that elevates outgoing behavior will label an introvert in a negative way, calling them antisocial. In truth, the ability to spend time alone is one that most great artists, mystics, and visionaries share. Owning the positive side of this label can lead us deeper into our gifted visions and fertile imaginations.

When we look into the lives of any of the great people in history, we always find that they had quirks and eccentricities that earned them less than ideal labels from the societies in which they lived. Many famous artists and musicians were considered to be isolated loners or disruptive troublemakers, or sometimes both, yet these people altered history and contributed to the world an original vision or advances in our understanding of the universe. If we can remember this as we examine our own selves and the labels people use to describe us, we find that there is a bright side to any characterization.

If you have been labeled, remember that all you have to do to see the positive side is to turn the label around. For example, you may be considered to be overly emotional, and the fact that you are perceived this way may make you feel out of control. But notice, too, the gifts of being able to feel and express your emotions, even in a world that doesn’t always encourage that. You might begin to see yourself as brave and open-hearted enough to stay alive to your feelings. You may also see that there are certain paths and professions in which this is a necessary ability. As you turn your label around, the light of your true nature shines to guide you on your way.


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Thursday, April 12, 2012

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Hello fellow bloggers. I wanted to share my business with you. I have been successful with this program for 3 years now. It's free to join and there is a turnkey program for success.



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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An Incomplete Understanding

Good morning, I wanted to share this om moment to encourage you today. We are never alone. God is watching us and He is with us always. We should never be afraid because our lives are in his hands. Be blessed the rest of this week. April 12, 2012 Feeling Lonely An Incomplete Understanding When we are feeling lonely, we have lost the idea that we are all one and none of us are separate from the whole. We all have days when we feel lonely, but the very idea of loneliness comes from the false notion that we are separate and isolated parts in a world filled with other separate, isolated parts. In truth, we can no more be separate from our world than a fish can be separate from the water in which it swims. When we really begin to look at the boundaries we see as so solid, they prove to be, in fact, quite porous. For example, it is not clear exactly where our skin ends and the air begins when we consider how our skin is affected by changes in the quality of the air. When it is dry, our skin becomes dry, and when it is humid, our skin becomes moist and supple. By the same token, it is difficult sometimes to distinguish the boundary between one person and another, especially when our actions tie us together so inextricably. Every move we make has an effect that touches all the people around us. On an even more subtle level, when we share space with another person, we often pick up on their energy, feeling how they feel and attuning to them, whether we mean to or not. This is what we mean when we say a mood or a feeling is contagious. We cannot help but be part of the realities of the people around us because we take form from the same energetic force, and this force unifies all life. This force is the light that all the great mystics and gurus encourage us to move toward, and it is the light we will dissolve into when we move beyond our individual egos. If loneliness is a temporary condition based on an incomplete understanding of what we are made of, we can think of its presence as a catalyst for exploring our ideas about reality. We can respond by testing the boundaries we believe separate us from the life within and all around us. If we test them, we will discover that they are not so solid after all and that we can never really be

Monday, February 13, 2012

Steps to Freedom... Change What is Not Working.

Hello everyone, I know it's been a while since I've posted. God is good and I've been busy with my family and work. Since the year is still young, I wanted to share an OM Daily Moment... This segment blew me away with much inspiration. I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I did. Have a wonderful winter Monday.

February 13, 2012

If we don't change what isn't working in our lives, we will continually have the same day over and over again.

We have all had the experience of realizing that something in our lives is not working. This knowledge can come as a sudden realization or a nagging feeling of doubt that grows stronger, waking us up to the fact that something needs to change. Some people have a tendency to act rashly and make sweeping changes before even understanding what the problem is. Other people fear change, so they live with the uncomfortable awareness that something needs to shift but won’t do anything about it. Between these two extreme responses lies a middle way that can help us powerfully and gracefully change what isn’t working in our lives.

The first step is remembering that your life is made up of parts that belong to an interconnected whole. Changing one thing can change everything. Because of this, small changes often have a big effect. Sometimes much bigger changes are necessary, but the only way to know for sure is to take the time to really understand the problem. Examine your life as an entirety—your work, your relationships, where you live—and determine what specifically is not functioning the way you would like. Once you have figured out the problem, write it down on a piece of paper. For example, “I am not happy with my relationship” or “I don’t like my apartment.” The next step is to figure out the adjustment you would like to make and how you can go about making this change. If you are unhappy with your relationship because you spend too much or not enough time with your partner, you may want to discuss this problem with them and come up with a compromise. On the other hand, if you realize your rela!
tionship is not working to such a degree that it needs to end, begin working through that process. Writing down the truth can be a powerful catalyst for change.

The key to making changes that work is to accept the necessity of change as part of life. As we change, we may find it necessary to fine-tune our relationships, work, and living situations. Our lives are living, breathing entities that reflect our dynamic selves.